Reni Gossel

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Reni Gossel
Profession Schoolchild
Gender Female
Species Human
Relatives Loch Gossel (brother)(deceased)
Mrs. Gossel (mother}
unnamed father
Status Alive
Background Information
Book Universe The Demonata

Reni Gossel is one of Grubbs Grady's friends in Carcery Vale, as well as his ex-love interest and first kiss. She is also Loch Gossel's sister. She's described to be the prettiest girl in the school and attracts most of the boys, including Grubbs and his half brother Bill-E Spleen

In later beginning of Death's Shadow, Reni threatens Bec to tell her what she knows about Loch's death and Grubbs and Bill-E's disappearance. Bec, trying to console her, says it's not Reni's fault that Loch died and refers to the memory that Reni never shares with anyone. Reni becomes fear of Bec and leaves. She never appears in later books again though is mentioned by Grubbs in Hell's Heroes that he wants to be in a relationship with her, but couldn't.

Appearances[edit | edit source]