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  • '''Raz Warlo''' was a [[Disciple]], one of the people with [[Beranabus]] when [[Kernel Fleck]] first joined in [[Demon Thief]]. He is killed during a fight with [[Demonata]] which Kernel Fleck witnesses. He was buried in the [[Demonata
    1 KB (151 words) - 13:22, 25 September 2012
  • In opening the Tunnel, he was bonded to it and then Became fused with the stone of the cave, turning his entre body to a cave. He was killed when [[Category:People with Magical Potential]]
    969 bytes (120 words) - 13:21, 25 September 2012
  • [[Category:People with Magical Potential]]
    1 KB (154 words) - 13:38, 25 September 2012
  • ...sland to the realm of Demonata. He is killed by Bec, who slices his throat with her nail; a sacrifice of a Druid or Priestess was required to close the tun ...on to this, he has the Origin Board (the first chess board ever made, with magical properties). Lord Loss takes it from his dead body and is currently in poss
    2 KB (269 words) - 13:21, 25 September 2012
  • ...a lot. Dervish states that she is one of few who has survived an encounter with a demon master, but not much else is said. It is later revealed that she is ...n Dervish spots Juni Swan, he loses control and gets engaged in a battling with her. Juni then torments Meera by gouging her insides out. Meera clutches he
    2 KB (345 words) - 13:22, 25 September 2012
  • ...e ways of the universe, traveling between different times and worlds. Some people believe that the other cubs were just like Evanna and Hibernius and were ju ...hat of a beautiful woman in front of a drunk Mr. Crepsley. When he flirted with her, she gave him his scar by scratching his left cheek. She also has the a
    6 KB (1,014 words) - 21:11, 24 September 2012
  • ...ntually persuaded by her to help them. When they later fought the Demonata with snake bodies and different heads Sharmila lost an arm, but since they were She also appeared in ''[[Slawter (book)|Slawter]]'' along with Shark, when Dervish calls for help, though, as it later turns out, as a hal
    5 KB (851 words) - 13:21, 25 September 2012
  • | features = Always wear an old suit with a flower (a reminder of [[Bec McConn]]) in a button hole ...ths have been overthrown by the Demonata. After a particularly large fight with the demons, the rath is visited by Bran. Bran ran quickly to the front gate
    17 KB (2,956 words) - 19:40, 25 September 2012
  • |abilities = Having perfect memory, absorbing memories from people she touches (begins in [[Death's Shadow]]) ...into werewolves (see also lycanthropy). This continued down the centuries, with at least one child transforming in every generation. The MacGrigor asked dr
    17 KB (2,983 words) - 18:40, 27 September 2012